Westbourne House School Nursery
Westbourne House School Nursery
Westbourne House School Nursery
Westbourne House School Nursery
Westbourne House School Nursery Chichester, West Sussex Visit
Westbourne House School Nursery
22 pupils, ages 2.5 years - 4 years

Westbourne House School Nursery

Equally as uplifting as the pre-prep next door, this wonderful nursery is all about creative play – learning phonics through art, maths through music and speech through cooking. The building backs onto a secret garden with an outdoor kitchen, vegetable patch, woodland and stream (there’s also an undercover area for rainy days).  Children become familiar with the wider school grounds through dancing and jumping around in the gym, forest school, and, in their final term, learning to swim. We like the fact that those in the pre-prep and the nursery eat lunch together every day...


Girls in blue smocks playing with green and red paint
Little boy in a rainbow jacket playing outside with bubbles
Little girl in a yellow jacket playing with a yellow ball and blue bat
Little girl in a pink jacket stirring mud and leaves in a white bowl
Children in brightly coloured jackets crouched by a tree stump looking through an orange magnifying glass

Westbourne House School Nursery is
linked with:


Coach Road, Chichester West Sussex PO20 2BH

01243 782739


ISI Report


Term Dates

Open Days

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