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Sevenoaks School has a long history of providing financial assistance to enable young people of all backgrounds to benefit from the outstanding education it provides. The school actively welcomes applications from children who would only be able to take up their place with financial assistance, as well as from families of existing pupils at the School who encounter financial difficulty due to a change in circumstances. Currently more than 60 pupils are in receipt of financial assistance with fees, with some receiving additional support to cover the cost of uniform, trips and other extras. It is a key priority for the school to significantly increase the number of students they are able to support financially over the coming years. All awards of financial assistance are means-tested, which requires parents to answer detailed questions and provide evidence of their financial circumstances. Sevenoaks therefore encourages families to visit the school and consider the likelihood of their child being offered a place, before applying for financial assistance.
Don’t panic! We have more than ten years’ experience of visiting schools and advising parents, and we are all parents ourselves – we can make this easier for you.