Day fees per term
Year 7 | - |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 | - |
Year 11 | - |
Year 12 | £12,123 |
Year 13 | £12,123 |
Boarding fees per term
Year 7 | - |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 | £16,384 |
Year 12 | £16,384 |
Year 13 | £16,384 |
Winchester offers a substantial level of bursary support – in 2018-19, 118 boys received bursarial support, at a cost of £3.25m. The college aims to be able to fund 10 per cent of boys on full bursaries and a further 20 per cent on an average of half-fee bursaries (currently around one in five receives financial support). Awards are means-tested and higher-value awards may also contain support for a laptop, books and trips.
Winchester also offers specific sporting bursaries, in particular for golf, to talented boys who would need academic support to attend the school.
The college means-tests all bursary awards, and in-depth financial records are required, as well as home visits and usually meetings with the bursar. It receives more demand for support than it is able to give and cannot guarantee that every application will be met with the offer of a bursary, even if the need is great.
Preference will often be given to students who also already hold sport or music scholarships.
Bursary contact:
Bursary Administrator Mrs WA Neville