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The school's Learning Support Unit helps children with a range of needs on either a short- or longer-term basis. The school aims to build children’s self-confidence and independence as learners so that they are better able to manage individual barriers to learning and fulfil their potential.
There is a team of four specialist teachers who are experienced in teaching pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, Attention Deficit Disorders, Memory and Processing weaknesses. The school offers structured, cumulative, multi-sensory Dyslexia programmes alongside targeted Reading, Writing and Maths support, help with study skills and revision and tutoring in Touch Typing and Assistive Technologies. In addition, children are supported to boost their memory, organisation, fine motor skills and handwriting.
Once a need has been identified and usually following an internal assessment, lessons are designed and delivered individually to a bespoke plan. There is regular liaison with the form and subject teachers and regular feedback is given to parents.