Dulwich Prep & Senior - Senior
Dulwich Prep & Senior - Senior London Visit
Dulwich Prep & Senior - Senior
ages 13-16
Boys only

Dulwich Prep & Senior - Senior

Set to fling open its doors in September 2025, this brand-new senior school will become a natural extension of hugely popular all-boys Dulwich Prep. The change is designed to help provide more options for families, and the opportunity to find the right senior school or sixth form at the right time for their son. The prep school will continue to support families who wish to transition at 11+ or 13+, but the new additional option of an exit at 16 will reduce or remove the pressure of exams on younger boys – and, of course, offer them the continuity of a familiar environment and a bespoke ...
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  • Subjects offered

  • Fees and bursaries

    Day fees per term

    Year 7£9,455
    Year 8 £9,455
    Year 9 -
    Year 10-
    Year 11-
    Year 12-
    Year 13-

    Dulwich Prep London offers means-tested bursarial support to new entrants at year 3 and above whom it identifies as academically gifted and likely to benefit most from the opportunity. Any awards are subject to a full financial history which requests full details of income and capital resources. Prior to the offer of an award, a home visit will be made to discuss these details and all bursaries are reviewed annually.

    Bursary contact:
    Registrar Mrs Claire Austin
  • Transport links


38-42 Alleyn Park, Dulwich, London, SE21 7AA

020 8766 5500


ISI Report


Term Dates


Open Days

Open days and how to visit View Open Days Register for open Day

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