Notting Hill Prep School
Notting Hill Prep School
Notting Hill Prep School
Notting Hill Prep School
top 200
Notting Hill Prep School Notting Hill, London Visit
Notting Hill Prep School
Notting Hill
360 pupils, ages 4-13

Notting Hill Prep School

There’s a unique approach at this forward-thinking London prep where pupils’ minds are nurtured by the principles of Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, and dancing, yoga and mindfulness are all part of the school day. A school where a protective veil is thrown over childhood, with academics and emotional intelligence blossoming in the intimate and relaxed environment. With the Hammersmith & City line running directly behind it and the Westway above its newest building, there’s no denying the school’s urban setting, but it brings nature in wherever it can &...
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Gallery See All

Boy in a pink and blue shirt smiling in class
Girls laughing with green leaves behind them
Boys in blue jumpers playing trumpets
Girl in a blue polo shirt smiling in class
Girl in a yellow dress in a drama performance at Notting Hill Prep
Boy and girl in red aprons painting in art class
Pupils going through an arch of children in class
Blond pupil in a blue jumper playing the violin
Children in blue and pink striped tops sitting in the library
  • Senior school destinations

  • Fees and bursaries

    Day fees per term

    Year 1£8,783
    Year 2£8,783
    Year 3£8,783
    Year 4£8,783
    Year 5£8,783
    Year 6£8,783
    Year 7£8,783
    Year 8 £8,783


    The NHP Foundation was established in 2009 to honour the core values at the heart of Notting Hill Prep by serving the diverse neighbourhood in ways that enhance and improve the lives of primary school children. Through the Foundation, the school is able to offer places to local children whose families would not otherwise have the means to access an NHP education. Since its inception in 2014, the Foundation has awarded 53 fully funded, means-tested places. This opportunity has been life-changing; all of the talented and ambitious bursary leavers have gone on to earn fully funded places at senior school. These awards cover fees as well as the cost of trips, enrichment, activities and incidentals. 

    The Foundation also offers one Jane Cameron Bursary every three years to a local child entering Year 4 who shows outstanding promise in the creative arts.

    Bursary contact:
    Registrar Suzanne Shaheen
  • SEND

  • Transport links

School Updates

  • See Notting Hill Prep in our London Prep Schools Guide

    See Notting Hill Prep in our London Prep Schools Guide

Notting Hill Prep School is
linked with:


95 Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, London W11 1QQ

020 7221 0727


ISI Report


Term Dates

Open Days

Open days and how to visit View Open Days Register for open Day

Open Morning
17 March 2025

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