Day fees per term
Year 7 | £7,588 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 | £7,588 |
Year 11 | £7,588 |
Year 12 | £7,588 |
Year 13 | £7,588 |
A part of the Girls' Day School Trust, with around a fifth of all girls across the group receiving financial assistance towards fees, SHHS offers bursaries for entrants at Years 7 and 12. As a guide, a total family income of around £42,500 a year may mean that a girl is eligible for a full bursary, and then there is a sliding scale upwards at the school’s discretion. Girls must reach the required academic standards in the entrance examination. Bursary awards are reviewed annually.
Bursaries usually range from 100 per cent to 30 per cent on a sliding scale and scholarships (academic, music, sport at 11+ and academic, art, drama and music at sixth form) and bursaries can be combined. The school does receive more demand for bursaries than it is able to provide, and so competition is a factor.
More information and an overview of the GDST bursary policy are available here:
Bursary contact:
Head of Admissions Mrs K Ions