Royal Russell Nursery
Royal Russell Nursery Croydon, Surrey Visit
Royal Russell Nursery
36 pupils, ages 3 years - 4 years

Royal Russell Nursery

Children from the age of three can join the Royal Russell family via its wonderful onsite nursery, with high staff to pupil ratios and over 112 acres to let off steam in. Head of Early Years, Tanya Mawanda told us that youngsters thrive here because staff ‘value children as children, seeing creativity and experimenting as such a big part of learning’. Not only does the nursery offer term time provision from 7.45am until 6pm each day, but holiday clubs – overseen by the same teaching assistants – offer a valuable resource for working parents with important cont...
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Royal Russell Nursery is
linked with:


Coombe Lane, Croydon Surrey CR9 5BX

020 8657 4433


ISI Report


Term Dates

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