Holmewood House School
Holmewood House School
Holmewood House School
Holmewood House School
Holmewood House School Tunbridge Wells, Kent Visit
Holmewood House School
Tunbridge Wells
450 pupils, ages 3-13
Day and Boarding

Holmewood House School

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Our View

This progressive school near Tunbridge Wells is a real trailblazer in its visionary, holistic approach, spearheaded by dynamic head Ruth O’Sullivan who is passionate about education being fluid and child-centred and never stops asking, ‘How can we achieve this?’ Everyone’s answers are listened to – pupils, staff, parents – and the inclusivity, respect and warmth of the school community really shines through. Most pupils stay through to 13, thriving in an environment where they feel valued and trusted, and leaving for senior schools with the kind of well-rounded self-assurance you can’t put a price on.


On the outskirts of Tunbridge Wells down a quaint country lane, Holmewood House looks every inch the idyllic English prep school, with its stately main building and 32 acres of beautiful grounds. Pupils come from Tunbridge Wells and a sweep of local villages, with almost all travelling no more than 25 minutes to reach the school (there’s a school minibus serving the local area). And for boarders, there’s a chaperone service from Charing Cross.

Aware how lucky they are to have such a stunning site, the school makes full use of this gorgeous area, with outdoor learning part of the curriculum for all years up to and including Year 8. The pre-prep buildings open up onto a smart space including an adventure playground, to which the little ones flock at playtime, alongside mud kitchens and herb-growing spaces. Holmewood's forest school is equipped with a brand new teepee - all children benefit from forest school with timetabled lessons all the way up through the school.

A brand-new innovation lab delivers robotics and coding, and there’s a planned food tech suite in the pipeline.


Ruth O’Sullivan has been at Holmewood House since April 2022, having moved from South Lee School, Bury St Edmunds. Kind, empathetic and intelligent, Mrs O’Sullivan was an early adopter of mindfulness when she introduced it over 10 years ago at St John’s College School in Cambridge, where she was deputy head. Passionate about nurturing children’s emotional wellbeing, Mrs O’Sullivan believes in teaching ‘with the child at the heart’, and inspires her staff to do the same. She places great store on listening to her staff as well as the children, with every school member’s voice considered both important and relevant. ‘Why can’t you?’ is her mantra from which all sorts of new initiatives have grown, including a new horse-riding team requested by pupils and run by a parent. It’s no wonder Mrs O’Sullivan is loved by the children who wave and smile at her through her office windows at playtime.


Children can join the pre nursery in the term they turn three and most stay all the way through to Year 8. Most reception children move up from the nursery, but some pupils also join at reception. Pupils may join at any point, with Year 3 and Year 7 being particularly popular. Children come for a taster day (potential boarders also have a sleepover) and admission is non-selective. Those joining in Years 3 and above will sit a computer-based Cognitive Abilities Test in the afternoon and are asked to provide their latest school report.

Class sizes are small, with three-class entry in all year groups. Boy:girl ratio is around 50:50 throughout the school.

Academics and senior school destinations

Despite its impressive academic reputation, Holmewood House’s non-selective admissions policy results in a broad church of abilities. Pupils are extremely well taught and many leave with academic scholarships, but more importantly they leave knowing themselves and what kind of learner they are. They’re very much encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.

Streaming in maths starts in Year 3, with specialist teachers in French, art, music, D&T and engineering, drama and games. From Year 5, pupils are taught all subjects by specialist teachers and have biology, physics and chemistry in science labs. Languages are strong, with French taught from nursery upwards. In Year 6 pupils can choose Spanish or Latin or opt for extra maths and English if they prefer. In Year 5, they do a WoLLoW (World of Languages and Languages of the World) project covering the roots of all languages, including Hindi, Sanskrit, sign language, Morse code and ancient Greek. Communication not grades is the focus and it’s seen a boost in pupils’ coding and tech skills.

Enrichment is timetabled into the school day from Year 3 and revolves around a carousel of sessions. For Years 3 and 4, there’s a focus on STEAM with links to humanities. The Year 5s and 6s have sessions themed around world readiness, with topics including careers, sign language, even the origins of yoga. Debating, mini Model United Nations and eco modules (from fashion to tourism) are added in Year 7, while the Year 8s get intense leadership preparation sessions that culminates in a qualification. They also do a leavers’ programme in the summer, working with pupils with learning disabilities, doing respite care and visiting hospices.

A scholarship readiness programme is open and accessible – ‘There is still a bar to be reached to enter the programme,’ Mrs O’Sullivan tells us, but not every pupil will take a scholarship and pastoral care is exemplary. Heads of departments work together to plan an accelerated programme of learning within each discipline and pupils have priority entry into related clubs. ‘It’s a punchy endeavour,’ says Mrs O’Sullivan. One parent whose daughter is on the music scholarship readiness programme tells us her child has really been placed at the centre of the journey and feels wonderfully supported.

Leavers go on to a raft of senior schools including Tonbridge, Brighton, Sevenoaks, Marlborough, Eton, Millfield, Harrow, Hurst, Mayfield and Worth. As well as academic scholarships, many also win scholarships in drama, sport and music.


The school has a strong sporting reputation and excellent facilities – and is known on the local match circuit as a force to be reckoned with. The emphasis is on both competition and a love of playing and this lucky lot have access to a plethora of activities to throw themselves into, including endless playing fields, tennis courts and an Astro pitch, while indoors there are squash courts, a rifle range, a sports hall and an impressive swimming pool. The swim club is hugely popular, with children training every week and putting their PBs up on the wall to motivate themselves, and the school always does well in the IAPS swimming galas.

Games are still split into boys and girls, with boys playing football, rugby and hockey in the winter, cricket and athletics in the summer. For girls, as well as netball and hockey, football has been added to the winter-sports schedule and this year the school hosted the first all-girls’ football tournament that saw 800 girls playing over two days. They also do cricket and athletics in the summer. PE is co-ed, with everyone doing gymnastics (they recently won IAPS Nationals), badminton and basketball together.

Innovative art classes see pupils creating vinyl album covers, throwing clay pots and experimenting with glazing, while in D&T they make puppet theatres complete with cogs and handles. A new IT and innovation teacher has introduced e-sport which now has a dedicated room kitted out with all the tech and lighting – pupils recently became national prep school e-sport champions. The school also runs a Greenpower racing club where children in Years 6-8 build a car to race at Goodwood.

Drama is inclusive, with a drama studio and full-size theatre to put shows on. 'Frozen' is the latest to be staged and, judging by the rehearsals we saw, it’s safe to say the standard here is extremely high. There are many talented musicians too, with choirs and orchestras meeting weekly. Older pupils have use of a tech room where they write songs and learn digital musical annotation.

Some 126 clubs run over the course of the academic year. A creative learning hub doubles as the school library and pupils can run sessions on things they’re interested in – one pupil in Year 4 recently ran a Japanese day. It’s all part of the school’s philosophy of developing future leaders and desire that the clubs should be not hierarchical, but empowering.

Senior pupils go on a trip each year - this year it's a Dubai cricket and netball tour; next year it's to the Netherlands for a rugby, football and hockey tour.


Boarding numbers are on the up, and the school runs a chaperoned train service to and from London. The roll currently stands at 20 to 30 full boarders, both British and international, a balance the school is keen to maintain. To this end, the school is currently looking at welcoming European boarders for a term or two-week stays. Flexi boarding is highly popular among local children and their parents. Although the school day finishes at 4.40, day pupils can stay until 6pm and have supper - a great option for working parents.

School community

Holmewood House takes pastoral care seriously. The pastoral care team includes 50 trained mental-health first-aiders, as well as an assistant head of learning and teaching and an assistant head pastoral. Pupils receive awards for good works and are encouraged to be reflective about less exemplary behaviour, so it’s very much carrot over stick. Pupils know their voices will be listened to, and staff have more time to work and support each other. A new wellbeing and medical centre includes sensory spaces with egg chairs and swings (pupils were consulted in the design!). Pupils can come for drop-in sessions at break times through a discreet, private entrance which was part of the innovative design.

Years 5-8 can turn to a dedicated tutor as well as their form teacher for support, and all children have a safety circle: a number of teachers to whom they are comfortable approaching, and this list is refreshed every term. Year 8s take on leadership roles, collecting younger children for meetings and reading out loud to them. They each have a Year 3 buddy whom they meet with once a week, which helps to encourage vertical friendships and role models.

The house system is a huge part of daily life at Holmewood House – everyone, from pupils, teachers and support staff is in a house and regular friendly but fiercely fought competitions take place on and off the sports fields. At the weekly house meetings, the Year 8 heads of houses lead the agenda, not the teachers.

Parents are an integrated part of the school family; ‘We genuinely include them,’ says Mrs O’Sullivan, ‘it is not tokenistic.’ Skills sharing and more opportunities to visit classes and be more involved in their children’s school lives has been warmly embraced. They’re ‘brilliant’ says Mrs O’Sullivan, and really support the school with fundraising events, including the much-anticipated summer ball.

And finally....

A non-selective admissions policy coupled with top-notch pastoral care, plus a real emphasis on enrichment as well as academia creates a winning formula for happiness and success at this nurturing Kent prep.

Gallery See All

Boy in glasses doing some carpentry
Legally blonde girl in red holding a small dog
Boys and girls sitting on the grass talking to a teacher
Boy playing the violin
Boy and a girl wearing orange and white virtual headsets
chopping firewood at Holmewood House
Boys in green polo shirts doing tug of war
girl in a blue blazer painting on an easel
Girls in blue and white dresses giving piggyback rides
  • Senior school destinations

    Senior school destinations

    Ardingly (4%), Bede's (6%), Benenden (6%), Bethany (2%), Brighton College (13%), Charterhouse (2%), Claremont (2%), Eastbourne College (15%), Eton (2%), Harrow (4%), Hurstpierpoint (9%), Kent College (2%), Mayfield (2%), Millfield (2%), Sevenoaks (9%), The King's School Canterbury (7%), Tonbridge (15%).

  • Scholarships for senior schools


    Academic7Brighton College; Sevenoaks School; Tonbridge School; Kent College
    Music2 Eton College; The King's School, Canterbury
    Drama4 Benenden School; Hurstpierpoint College; Millfield School
    Sport8 Bede's School; Brighton College; Hurstpierpoint College; Millfield School; Sevenoaks School
    DT1 Tonbridge School
    All Rounder1 Mayfield School

  • Fees and bursaries

    Day fees per term

    Year 1£5,695
    Year 2£5,910
    Year 3£7,815
    Year 4£7,815
    Year 5£8,860
    Year 6£8,890
    Year 7£8,890
    Year 8 £8,890
    Boarding fees per term

    Year 1-
    Year 2-
    Year 3 -
    Year 4 £12,295
    Year 5 £12,295
    Year 6£12,295
    Year 7£12,295
    Year 8 £12,295

    Holmewood House nurtures talent and ambition through their Scholarship Readiness Programme, an initiative identifying and supporting exceptional children entering Year 7 (11+), providing them with structured guidance to excel in one or two of six disciplines: Academic Achievement, Artistic Creativity, Design Technology/Engineering, Drama and Performance, Musical Talent, or Sportsmanship and Aptitude. Successful applicants gain access to tailored support such as weekly scholarship clubs, off-site trips, leadership opportunities, and mentoring, ensuring they thrive academically, creatively, and personally.

    While the Scholarship Readiness Programme provides exceptional educational enrichment, the school also aims to make these opportunities accessible through means-tested bursaries. Families of children offered a place on the programme can apply for financial assistance, assessed transparently by an external organisation. It is important to note that bursary consideration is contingent upon being awarded a place in the programme itself. Applications are open to both current Holmewood pupils and external candidates. For internal pupils, invitations to apply are extended during the spring term of Year 6. External candidates must apply through the admissions team by 31st January, with assessments taking place in the spring term for entry the following September.

    Bursary contact:
    Finance Bursar Emma Bradshaw
  • SEND

    This school currently supports the following kinds of learning needs, health needs and physical disabilities:
    The school supports a range of needs from Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia), ADHD, ADD, ASC

    This school currently delivers the following interventions to pupils in class and outside class to support their learning, health and/or physical needs:
    Phonics, Social Skills, English, Maths, Lego therapy, Reading/Comprehension, Touch Typing, Handwriting, Sensory circuits, EAL, Occupational Therapy, Drawing and Talking therapy, Lexia, Social communication, Anger management, Clever Fingers

    This school currently provides the following support for pupils' mental health needs
    The school has an Assistant head pastoral who meets with children. They facilitate a play therapist within school, and offer drawing and talking therapy as well as lego therapy to support social skills.

    Co-ordinator: Lauren Johnson ljohnson@holmewoodhouse.co.uk
  • Transport links

    School Transport
    Escorted train service to/from London
    School daily bus network

    Public Transport
    Nearest mainline train station: Tunbridge Wells
    Journey time to London by train: 50 minutes
    Nearest international airport: Gatwick (21 miles)

  • Parents tell us

    'Our children have transitioned so well to Holmewood. The assistance we received in preparation for them starting was great.

    The Admissions team were incredibly helpful answering any questions we had. 

    Being able to come into the school the day before term started was a great bonus. It allowed us to familiarise with the routine & for the children to meet their teachers again.' 

    'Very comprehensive communications and high degree of consideration for swiftly integrating our son. We had a good level of communication.

    The welcome names along the drive on the first day was a fantastic touch! The children were so excited to spot their names and it made them feel so welcomed. 

    Very nicely presented welcome booklet. Lots to absorb. Lots of events going on which was great.'

    'The reception curriculum evening was helpful and we watched the Year 2 evening online which was helpful too. We've had a very welcoming and happy experience joining Holmewood House. The transition has been so smooth and it feels like the children have been there for a few months rather than a few weeks!

    We are so impressed with the school. The attention to detail to our child is amazing. We love it.'


  • Pupils tell us

    ‘The best thing about Holmewood House is that we all come together to make one big family. Even though we might have differences, they are always resolved and put behind us. That is what families are about. The school’s motto is self-belief, aspiration and kindness and we live by it religiously. The facilities and the food are amazing, and we are asked to contribute to make our school an even better place. 

    I would tell new students to feel free to ask either the staff or pupils, we will always be happy to help you. Don’t be afraid to make new friends – everybody is always so welcoming and kind. Be yourself! Holmewood House will always accept you for the way you are.  

    I settled in to the school immediately. Holmewood House makes sure that pupils and staff look out for you and you are also given a buddy who will make you feel very welcome. 

    All the staff are very welcoming and have made different positive and lasting impressions on me. 

    My boarding life is amazing, and full of fun and entertainment. I have now been boarding for about 4 years and it has helped me a lot with independence and confidence. Our boarding house is an action-packed place. It is just like an extended family with so many boarding brothers and sisters. I am really fortunate and happy to be a part of the boarding house, and I cherish the memories I am putting together on this journey.  

    It is really hard to choose the best thing on the school menu because all our meals are good and taste yummy. 

    Our school has a lot of traditional events such as the End of Term Slide Show, Fireworks Night, Family Fun Day and the Christmas Fair.  

    If I was head for the day, I would make a Holmewood House shop that could sell Holmewood personalised items. For example, Holmewood Gumshield or a Holmewood pencil case. 

    After I leave, I am aiming to get into Benenden School. I know this is a very achievable goal because I have been brought up in Holmewood House. All the staff here have supported me, taught me to value things and told me to aim high so that I can be a role model for the younger ones to look up to. I believe that Holmewood House is the best school to go to. I am a Holmewoodian and although I might move on to a new school, all the things I was taught will stick with me and I am confident that they will help me in the future.  

    Holmewood House is a great school and I highly recommend it for any student.'

School Updates

  • View from the Top: Ruth O’Sullivan on the benefits of staying at prep school for Years 7 and 8

    View from the Top: Ruth O’Sullivan on the benefits of staying at prep school for Years 7 and 8
  • WATCH: Holmewood House Pre-Prep Video

    WATCH: Holmewood House Pre-Prep Video
  • Nell Bond, deputy head at Holmewood House School, reflects on the importance of embedding EDI into school life and offers suggestions to those looking to do the same.

    Written for the Independent Schools Council (ISC)
    Nell Bond, deputy head at Holmewood House School, reflects on the importance of embedding EDI into school life and offers suggestions to those looking to do the same.
  • Latest news from Holmewood House

    LAMDA success!
    Latest news from Holmewood House
  • 10 Questions with Ruth O'Sullivan, head of Holmewood House School

    10 Questions with Ruth O'Sullivan, head of Holmewood House School
  • See Holmewood House in our Town & Country Prep Schools Guide

    From bucolic country preps to schools on the edge of buzzy market towns or slap bang in the centre of a city, there are a myriad of prep school options up and down the UK and within a daily minibus-ride of the Big Smoke. Use our guide to help with your search.
    See Holmewood House in our Town & Country Prep Schools Guide

Holmewood House School is
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Barrow Lane, Langton Green, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN3 0EB

01892 860000


ISI Report


Term Dates


Open Days

Open days and how to visit View Open Days Register for open Day

First Steps to School event 9am - 11am
20 March 2025
Open Morning
16 May 2025

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