Godstowe School
Godstowe School
Godstowe School
Godstowe School
top 200
Godstowe School High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire Visit

Godstowe School
High Wycombe
320 pupils, ages 3-13
Girls only
Day and Boarding

Godstowe School

As this historic all-girls’ boarding prep heads towards its 125th anniversary year, it’s clearly lost none of the magic that has made it so successful since the turn of the last century. And while it might not have changed much on the outside over the years (it’s not hard to believe the rumour that it was Enid Blyton’s inspiration for Malory Towers), Godstowe’s inner workings are bang up-to-date, with confident, happy and successful girls energetically embracing everything each new day at school has to offer. Founded in 1900 (the school lays claim to be...
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Gallery See All

Girls in red tops stretching in the sports hall at Godstowe
girl in a red fleece in an art class
little girl running in the sports hall at Godstowe
Girls swimming at Godstowe
Girls in in red jumpers with books outside
Girls in green smocks doing DT
Girl in headphones and a bright red jumper
Girl wearing glasses and a bright red jumper
Aerial view of Godstowe School
  • Senior school destinations

  • Scholarships for senior schools


    Academic9Cheltenham Ladies' College; Downe House; Marlborough College; Queen Anne's; Rugby; St George's Ascot; Wellington College;
    Music5 Benenden; Cheltenham Ladies' College; Wellington College; Wycombe Abbey
    Drama2 Berkhamsted; Headington
    Sport10 Benenden; Bradfield College; Cheltenham Ladies' College; Marlborough College; Queen Anne's; Millfield College; Sedburgh' St George's Ascot; St Mary's Calne; Stowe
    Art7 Bradfield College; Charterhouse; Cheltenham Ladies' College; Queen Anne's; St Edward's Oxford; St George's Ascot
    DT2 Bradfield College; Marlborough College
    All Rounder1 Wycombe Abbey
    Other2 Benenden (Humanities); Rugby (Computing)

  • Fees and bursaries

    Day fees per term

    Year 1£5,580
    Year 2£5,580
    Year 3£8,700
    Year 4£8,700
    Year 5£8,700
    Year 6£8,700
    Year 7£8,700
    Year 8 £8,700
    Boarding fees per term

    Year 1-
    Year 2-
    Year 3 £13,050
    Year 4 £13,050
    Year 5 £13,050
    Year 6£13,050
    Year 7£13,050
    Year 8 £13,050

    Godstowe offers means tested bursaries to girls who may otherwise be unable to attend the school due to financial constraints.  Bursaries are only offered to girls attending the Preparatory School (Years 3 to 8) however parents with children at any primary school may apply for a bursary during the preceding academic year in anticipation of entry into the Main Preparatory School. 

    A Bursary will normally be expressed as a percentage of the fees up to a maximum of 100%. In exceptional circumstances, further help may be available for uniform and school extras. Bursaries will be subject to annual means testing and may be varied up or down at the discretion of the Governors.

    The Bursary will be based on the financial circumstances of the family having regard to all pertinent considerations. (As a guide, it is unlikely that a Bursary will be awarded to a family with gross income in excess of £60,000pa and a bursary of 100% is unlikely unless the family gross income is less than £30,000pa.)

    Bursary contact:
    Director of Finance and Operations Samantha North
  • SEND

  • Transport links

School Updates

  • See Godstowe in our Town & Country Prep Schools Guide

    From bucolic country preps to schools on the edge of buzzy market towns or slap bang in the centre of a city, there are a myriad of prep school options up and down the UK and within a daily minibus-ride of the Big Smoke. Use our guide to help with your search.
    See Godstowe in our Town & Country Prep Schools Guide

Godstowe School is
linked with:


Shrubbery Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR

01494 529273


ISI Report


Term Dates


Open Days

Open days and how to visit View Open Days Register for open Day

Open Morning
10 May 2025

Click for a larger version of map

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