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Godolphin Salisbury, Wiltshire Visit
430 pupils, ages 11-18
Day and Boarding


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Our view

One of the most welcoming, utterly transparent, genuine and delightful schools out there, Godolphin is refreshingly down to earth – parents work hard to send their children here and greatly value the opportunities it has to offer. And from September 2025, after nearly 300 years of educating girls, Godolphin will welcome boys to enjoy these opportunities too. It’s a huge watershed moment that doesn’t change the school’s past but secures its future – and gives more young people the opportunity to share in everything that makes Godolphin special.


Winding through the streets of Victorian villas around Milford Hill, overlooking Salisbury, we felt like the handsome but modest red-brick main building was a pleasant distance from the bustle. Salisbury-dwellers will have to contend with the occasional bottleneck on their drive to Godolphin but, once at the school, there is ample parking and even enough space for the sixth-formers we saw beginning and ending their driving lessons in the spacious car park.

The train station is 20 minutes away on foot and the school has a handful of bus routes from local towns and villages, but is always happy to consider additional pick-ups where demand arises. London is only 90 minutes away by train, making it easily accessible for boarders.


Jenny Price came to Godolphin in 2018 as deputy head pastoral, before officially taking on the top job in January 2023. She is warm and relaxed, with a kindly aura and a keen understanding of what pupils need to succeed and, indeed, to be happy.

Mrs Price’s office door is almost always open, and she is the sort of head who isn’t hard to find. She’s on the touchlines, in the audience at plays and recitals, teaching music to Year 7, playing the trumpet in the junior orchestra or even driving the minibus. Pastoral care has always had top billing for Mrs Price, and she leads Godolphin with an informal style that lends itself well to honest dialogue and a loyal team of staff from whom, she notes ‘the passion at every level is amazing’.

She leads the charge of being authentically ‘who we are’, always encouraging parents not just to come and visit but to ‘watch, see how pupils and staff interact’ and see the ethos in action. And it's this transparent, self-assured identity and the fact that Mrs Price has been here for over six years that has provided the consistency and reassurance necessary to steer Godolphin to a new future as a co-ed. It’s exciting, says the head: ‘We’ve got something brilliant here and we’ve only allowed half of children to experience it.’


The main joining points are at 11+, 13+ and 16+. Traditional open days have been ditched in favour of Snapshot Mornings (involving a tour with Year 8 or 9 pupils and a Q&A with the head) for a more informal and personal experience, followed by a taster day. Prospective parent numbers are already on the up, with families now able to look to Godolphin to care for all of their brood.

About 75 per cent of Godolphin Prep pupils will make their way up the hill to the senior, and there’s no need to sit any tests if they have been in the Godolphin fold for at least two years. Pupils from other schools will need to take formal tests in maths and English, have an interview with the head and provide a reference from their current school – although it all falls under the banner of ‘softly selective’, which we think is rather nice. Bursaries are available, and there are scholarships for academics, sport, drama, art and music.

Academic and university destinations

There are three classes in Year 7, rising to four or five forms in Year 9 with roughly 18 pupils per class but often with much smaller teaching groups for GCSE and A-level. The 55-minute lessons are interspersed with regular breaks and lunchtime is a generous 90 minutes, meaning there is plenty of time to take part in a club or activity or catch up on any admin. Years 7 to 10 work on Surface Pro laptops. The science department is a belter and is famous for its annual Science Week and the ever-popular all-school inter-house quiz.  

The approach to learning here, as with everything else at Godolphin, is about the individual. Pupils are allocated tutors according to the style of care they will best respond to and guided to choose GCSE and A-level subjects they will enjoy, with younger pupils meeting in small groups and sixth formers having weekly one-to-ones.

Psychology and business studies are currently the most popular choices at A-level, but pupils aren’t restricted by popular demand – in fact, teachers will offer subjects to just a handful of pupils and those wishing to study geology can do so, thanks to a collaboration with local grammar school Bishop Wordsworth’s.

Results are solid, with recent years seeing the school's best-ever A-level results, but it’s the value-added scores that are seriously noteworthy and something parents should certainly acknowledge – although deputy head academic Dr Hillman is keen to note that Godolphin looks to select pupils who can ‘access the whole curriculum, not just those who will get 9s’. It's not the results so much as the ethos that matters here – ‘you don’t’ have to be perfect but you have to do your best and that will always remain’. 

Career guidance is excellent, with a range of initiatives such as Find Your Future Friday and the Bright Futures programme, which brings in inspirational speakers who are often Godolphin alumnae – from a vet and a fashion stylist to a psychologist and a financier – to encourage pupils to think about a very wide variety of careers. There’s also a buddy system linking current pupils with career-relevant alumnae for a more personal viewpoint, and lower-sixth pupils are helped to find relevant and challenging work-experience opportunities for a few off-curriculum days in the summer term. Preparation for the future is superbly comprehensive, and most pupils now take one fewer GCSE in order to study future skills, using a skills-builder framework in association with the Career Development Institute and discussing with employees what it is they are really looking for. 

Not counting one deferral, 93 per cent of last year’s leavers got into their first choice of university, which the school feels is a success of both its academic and pastoral approach. Staff know their pupils so well that they are able to help them select courses that are aspirational yet achievable.

Interest in apprenticeships has reached an all-time high (one recent pupil bagged a place at the Dyson Institute, while another secured a place at Google), and parental buy-in is excellent as they value how well the school knows their child and what makes them tick. In short, Godolphin doesn’t have a standard exit – because there's no such thing as a standard pupil.


A flurry of recent team wins and some high-performing individuals have put Godolphin back on the sporting map. The suburban campus doesn’t afford a huge amount of pitch space, but the recently resurfaced tennis courts provide a useful multi-sports pitch and the indoor pool is a superb bonus. Participation is key, but the balance is struck accurately enough for those pupils with sporting talents to be able to play for their county or club outside of school hours.

Sport is perhaps one of the elements of school life that takes a bit more planning where a switch to co-ed is concerned. While the infrastructure (changing rooms, for example) is all in hand, the future sporting landscape will be given some additional oomph with the appointment of a new director of sport. Richard Hall (who will arrive from a 10-year stint as director of sport at the Kuwait English School) will be pulling on his Godolphin PE kit in September 2024, bringing with him a huge amount of experience and expertise in sporting participation and performance for both boys and girls.

Art is definitely a flagship department, and the standard really is knock-your-socks-off brilliant. Mr Egg (Nick Eggleton) is the art dynamo behind this success, and his three-stage art rotation gives pupils an opportunity to try their hand at a variety of techniques, as well as being wowed and inspired by the school’s own artist-in-residence.

Drama too is top drawer, and the purpose-built theatre has retractable tiered seating to offer maximum flexibility. Annual performances alternate between a whole-school production and an upper- and a lower-school play, but all are extremely impressive. Music received a boost too with the recent appointment of new director of music Kathy Chalmers.

For extracurricular enrichment, there’s a whole host of clubs and activities that take place either at lunchtime or after school. CCF and DofE are huge – last year saw a school-record-breaking four- team entry into the Ten Tors CCF Challenge, with one pupil even offering to hike the longer route with another school who had lost a teammate just days before. ‘This is where pupils learn resilience,’ says the head. ‘You can’t sit children down and teach them about resilience in the classroom’ – and sure enough, everyone was in school on time the next day, albeit with special permission to wear flip-flops on their blistered feet.

The on-site Leiths Academy is a massive bonus for students wanting practical skills to supplement their academic studies.


There are four boarding houses: Walters for the junior boarders (ages eight to 13), Cooper for Years 9 to and 11, and School & Jerred House for the sixth form (known here at the Godolphin Sixth). We hung out in Cooper, home to 60 boarders and a spacious and buzzy environment with pupils happily beetling in and out to sign in for lunchtime registration, attend the Friday talk or change for activities and games. All were unobtrusively supervised by the Cooper house staff (affectionately known as ‘the dream team’), strategically positioned to just keep an eye on everyone or, as we saw, ready to whisk any worried-looking individuals off for a cup of tea and a reassuring chat.

Pupils can full, flexi or day board, and numbers increase as you go higher up the school, with about 60 per cent boarding at some point during their time here. Boarding for the Godolphin Sixth takes on a more university-like vibe, with the two houses situated slightly away from the main school over a small pedestrian bridge and affording a high level of independence and freedom – reliant on equally high levels of respect and trust. Sixth-formers don’t need permission to go into town during study periods, lunchtimes or after school but instead can electronically sign themselves in and out with their keycards. Deputy head pastoral Nicola Daubeney believes that it is vital that pupils are given ‘the freedom to plan their time and to see the knock-on effects of their choices. We are there to ask them the questions now that they should be asking themselves when they face these situations on their own in the future.’

Weekends offer a change of pace – there’s no Saturday school, so boarders will take part in activities, go into town or catch up on prep before the afternoon sports matches. Despite the flexibility, there remains a significant cohort of boarders here at the weekend.

School community

Godolphin has 35 to 40 staff with mental-health training, and pastoral care isn’t really a separate entity here, it’s just intrinsically what the school is all about. Deputy head pastoral Mrs Daubeney is the perfect blend of maternal warmth, solid experience and reassurance. She understands emotions, pressure, education, hormones, challenge, conflict and anxiety, and even with such a comprehensive pastoral net in place, she is always looking to identify possible pressure points and alleviate problems before they arise. ‘I’ve never worked anywhere like it,’ she says of Godolphin. ‘The staff are extraordinary in terms of what they are willing to do and it makes for a very warm and happy place’ – and we’d second that.

And finally...

With a nursery opening on site and the prep school moving to co-ed in September 2024, the senior switch to co-ed in 2025 and the school’s 300th anniversary in 2026, it’s going to be a fabulously busy and exciting few years for this Salisbury gem. It’s a warm and kind place where pupils achieve high standards without really realising how it has happened. This is a culture that fully supports young people, and the move to co-ed will see boys benefiting from Godolphin’s honest and consistent care and attention in the same way that girls have for nearly three centuries.

Gallery See All

  • Academic results

    GCSE results
    A level results
    Download results as PDF
  • Subjects offered


    Art & Design
    Business Studies
    Classical Civilisation
    Computer Science
    Design and Technology
    Drama and Theatre Studies
    English Language
    English Literature
    Food Technology
    Information Technology
    Religious Studies

    A Level

    Art & Design
    Business Studies
    Classical Civilisation
    Computer Science
    Design and Technology
    Drama and Theatre Studies
    English Language
    English Literature
    Food Technology
    Further Mathematics
    History of Art
    Information Technology
    Physical Education
    Religious Studies
  • Fees and bursaries

    Day fees per term

    Year 7£9,140
    Year 8 £9,140
    Year 9 £10,165
    Year 10£10,165
    Year 11£10,165
    Year 12£10,165
    Year 13£10,165
    Boarding fees per term

    Year 7£13,184
    Year 8 £13,184
    Year 9 £15,474
    Year 10 £15,474
    Year 11£15,474
    Year 12£15,474
    Year 13£15,474

    Godolphin offers a range of means tested bursaries. Parents who wish to apply for a bursary will be asked by the School to complete a Confidential Statement of Financial Services form. 

    There are six Foundation Bursaries that are each worth 70% of the full (boarding) fees. They are means tested and available to girls in need through family circumstance such as a death in the family or divorce.

    The Old Godolphin Bursary is a means-tested award, awarded by the Old Godolphin Association to the daughter of an Old Godolphin student. Candidates for the means-tested Foundation Bursaries and the Old Godolphin Bursary must meet the School’s entrance standard through Common Entrance or other entry papers, and must come to an interview.

    The school also offers an HM Forces discount of 10% of fees.

    Bursary contact:
    Director of Admissions Corinna Florence
  • SEND

    This school currently supports the following kinds of learning needs, health needs and physical disabilities:
    The school's Learning Support Department supports students who have additional needs around the curriculum. Once a teacher has identified a learning need, Godolphin's Head of Learning Support, Claire Firth, meets with the student and her parents before an assessment by an Educational Psychologist, Specialist Teacher, Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist or Vision Therapist.

    This school currently delivers the following interventions to pupils in class and outside class to support their learning, health and/or physical needs:
    Following an assessment and once there is a clear diagnosis, the student will receive one-to-one support. If the student needs support but doesn’t have a specific learning need, a member of Godolphin's support staff will work with them to manage their needs. If they have a specific learning difficulty, one of the Dyslexia trained teachers will teach them during school hours and they will remain part of the core curriculum. When possible, they will be taken out of non-core subjects for additional lessons before school starts, at lunch times or after school. All additional lessons are organised by the Learning Support department with agreement from the students, parents and teachers.

    This school currently provides the following support for pupils' mental health needs
    The school's pastoral team support all students. The School Nurse offers support on a day to day basis and additional support can be provided from the School Counsellor. They have an active programme of events where Wellbeing is at the forefront. Their aim is to support students, parents and staff alike.

    Co-ordinator: Mrs Claire Firth admissions@godolphin.org
  • Transport links

    School Transport
    School daily bus network

    Public Transport
    Nearest mainline train station: Salisbury
    Journey time to London by train: 90 minutes
    Nearest international airport: Bournemouth (60 miles)

School Updates

  • Godolphin Lacrosse Champions Named the Best in the UK!

    After securing a top-eight finish in the U19 competition at the National Championships earlier this year, Godolphin’s lacrosse team advanced to compete in the prestigious 2024 School Challenge Cup at St Swithun’s School.
    Godolphin Lacrosse Champions Named the Best in the UK!
  • Godolphin Students Secure Prestigious Army Sixth Form Scholarships

    Godolphin is proud to announce a historic achievement as two of its students, Jemima and Alex, have become the first-ever Godolphin recipients of the Army Sixth Form Scholarship.
    Godolphin Students Secure Prestigious Army Sixth Form Scholarships
  • Godolphin Students celebrate GCSE Results success

    Godolphin students are today enjoying an excellent set of GCSE results across the 2024 cohort, highlighting their determination and hard work over the past five years.
    Godolphin Students celebrate GCSE Results success
  • Godolphin Celebrates Exceptional A-Level Results 2024

    Godolphin is thrilled to announce an impressive set of A-level results for 2024, highlighting the extraordinary dedication, resilience and hard work of our students.
    Godolphin Celebrates Exceptional A-Level Results 2024
  • Godolphin unveils its intention to move to co-education and announces decision to join schools Group, United Learning.

    Godolphin intends to embark on a significant journey towards co-education. Starting in September 2024, Godolphin Prep will welcome both boys and girls across all year groups. Godolphin Senior will offer a co-education from September 2025.
    Godolphin unveils its intention to move to co-education and announces decision to join schools Group, United Learning.
  • Godolphin’s ISI Inspection Report 2023 ‘Excellent’ in All Areas

    Godolphin is proud to announce 'Excellent' inspection results from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) 2023.
    Godolphin’s ISI Inspection Report 2023 ‘Excellent’ in All Areas
  • Two Lower Sixth students selected for the U20 England National Lacrosse Academy

    Two Lower Sixth students selected for the U20 England National Lacrosse Academy
  • See Goldophin School in our All-through Schools Guide.

    See Goldophin School in our All-through Schools Guide.
  • See Godolphin School in our Senior Boarding Schools Guide.

    See Godolphin School in our Senior Boarding Schools Guide.
  • Students Step-Up to Fashion Project

    Salisbury is not normally associated with luxury fashion, but some young students from Salisbury are challenging this. Godolphin’s art students designed bespoke boots, after being inspired by an art project.
    Students Step-Up to Fashion Project
  • Godolphin releases World Premiere of motet by Master of Queen's Music

    Godolphin releases World Premiere of motet by Master of Queen's Music

Godolphin is
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Milford Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2RA

01722 430545


ISI Report


Term Dates


Open Days

Open days and how to visit View Open Days Register for open Day

Snapshot Morning
07 March 2025
Snapshot Morning
21 March 2025

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