The Leys A Level Results 2023
On Thursday 17 August, staff and pupils at The Leys celebrated an outstanding set of A Level results. This year, just short of 80% of grades achieved were at A*-B (up on 2022) and more than 54% were graded A*-A (again, up on 2022).
Reflecting on the disruption that this year group went through during the pandemic in the very formative years of their school career, it is particularly impressive that in terms of pupil outcomes, 62% of this cohort of Leysians achieved at least AAB at A Level.
Top performers include Isaac K, Francesca N, Benjamin TB and Alvin T, all of whom gained all A* grades, Anson L who received three A* grades and one A, and Mark F who will be continuing his studies at Cambridge University to read Engineering after receiving the two A*s and two A grades he needed.
Headmaster at The Leys, Martin Priestley, commented: “These are really strong results and I am delighted to send my congratulations to the Class of 2023. The A*-A percentage and A*-B percentage are particularly pleasing and up on last year’s results. For more than six in ten of this cohort to have achieved AAB or better is a great result.
“This was a wonderful year group of Leysian pupils who achieved so much in their time at The Leys, both in the classroom and outside it. We will certainly miss them when we resume at the start of next term, but I send each and every one of them my very best wishes for their next chapters, whether that be onwards to university, into a gap year or whatever their plans may be.”
August '23