It's Lights Off for Low Energy Day at Hazlegrove

Hazlegrove Prep School spent the first day of their week using as little energy as possible to kick start their new Eco drive. Lights were off, computers and laptops were used sparingly and classes were taken outside.


Children and staff were challenged to use as little energy as possible during the course of the day to help the school to improve its sustainability and eco-awareness.

Lights were off, computers and laptops were used sparingly and classes taken outside including the full school assembly to make the most of the natural resources available. Meter readings were taken throughout the day to compare with normal usage days and review the impact and influence actions can have on energy use with the children. Headmaster's wife, Amanda Benbow is keen to push the initiative and said, 'As a school, we are acutely aware that we are responsible, in partnership with our parents, for providing our children with the knowledge and skills to challenge environmental issues and champion change, in order to protect and preserve our planet for future generations. There are many ways that we are already doing this, through things like our outdoor education, RE, science and geography lessons, clubs such as the eco warriors, building our second-hand uniform offering and other recycling programmes. However, we know we need to do more, not only to educate ourselves and our children, but also to make Hazlegrove a more sustainable school, reduce our energy use and improve our carbon footprint.'

This term has seen the start of the drive to raise awareness of the impact people have on the environment and to develop more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices across all aspects of the school. Along with Low Energy Day, the school is also taking part in ‘No Mow May’ throughout the site and will be studying the impact that leaving the grass to grow has on the plant and insect life in those areas. The school has also formed an Eco committee of staff and from September will be working with the children on several projects in order to achieve the Eco Schools Green Flag award, and make positive changes to day to day practices.

Amanda added, 'We have a wonderfully active parent group who are really keen to push the Eco drive and as a team we aim to empower our children to drive change and find ways to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming a carbon-neutral school in the future.'

Watch this space!

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