Wetherby Senior School: Let me count the university offers
Wetherby Senior School’s Class of 23 have secured over 100 offers for top universities across the UK and continental Europe, and more than a dozen offers for prestigious North American colleges.
Offers held by the outgoing Year 13, at the Marylebone boys school, include 21 of the 24 Russell Group universities, the UK-based collection of world-class, research-intensive institutions. This means Deputy Head Boy, Benjamin, will join the University of Cambridge this autumn, while his peers have places at top universities in London, such as LSE, UCL, Imperial and King’s College, and across the UK, from Exeter to Edinburgh. In addition, three Wetherby Senior boys hold offers for IE Business School, a world-renowned international college in Madrid, Spain.
Theo, currently in Year 13 at Wetherby Senior, has offers to read classics at a string of Russell Group universities, including Durham, Bristol, UCL and Exeter. He said: “The entire Wetherby Senior community has been very supportive of my future plans. My university advisor provided strong guidance on my UCAS applications, while teachers in our Classics Department undertook individual sessions to prepare me for my interviews. In addition, my friends at Wetherby Senior provided fantastic moral support – we have encouraged and motivated each other with our A Level studies and when undertaking our university applications.”
Wetherby Senior sixth formers also hold over a dozen offers for top colleges across North America. This includes the prestigious NYU Stern School of Business, University of Notre Dame in Indiana, and Canada’s McGill University, while current Head Boy, Matteo, is set to join the University of Pennsylvania, a world-famous Ivy League institution.
Mrs Deedat, Head of Wetherby Senior’s Sixth Form, said: “These excellent results reflect the hard work of our young people and the outstanding support provided by Wetherby Senior’s unique team of university advisors, who have strong expertise in supporting applications to institutions around the globe.”
Wetherby Senior delivers bespoke higher education advice from Year 11 onwards, much earlier than most schools, with every pupil assigned a personal university advisor. This means advisors get to know pupils really well and can be academically ambitious, looking to maximise the future success of every boy with individual guidance on courses, universities, and additional tests or work needed to support college applications.
Mrs Deedat added: “In the last four years, our sixth formers have received over fifty offers to study in the USA and Canada. Since applying to a North American college differs dramatically to the UK’s UCAS system, we employ two US Advisors to support applications to the USA or Canada. These experts are from UES Education, specialists in US college applications. They provide one-to-one guidance on the North American admissions process, plus weekly sessions on application essays.”
Current Year 13, Elias, has been accepted by a number of top US colleges, including the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame, Michigan, and Dartmouth, to read business. He said: “Before applying to study in North America, I didn’t know much about the US admissions system, and I’m very grateful for the guidance provided by Wetherby Senior staff. Our US Advisor met me weekly, which was invaluable when I was writing 30+ application essays in time for early application deadline! As well as offering her expertise and knowledge, she also put me in touch with a US scholarship consultancy, based in the UK, who help talented athletes study in the USA, since I was applying for a sports scholarship.”
Mr Silvester, Wetherby Senior’s Headmaster, said: “Through their hard work, coupled with the outstanding support and guidance of our brilliant staff, Wetherby Senior’s Class of 23 are now set to join our alumni at world-class institutions across the UK, continental Europe, and North America.
“Wetherby Senior will welcome a record number of sixth formers into Year 12 this autumn and, given the fantastic university offers held by our outgoing Year 13, I am not surprised to see more and more boys wishing to be part of Wetherby Senior’s Sixth Form.”
Attached picture: Wetherby Senior’s Class of 23 outside the School’s Marylebone Lane home.