Why You Should Consider A Holistic Approach For Your Child

Most of us are familiar with the traditional schooling environment that usually delivers a results-oriented approach to learning. In this system, teachers dictate the pace and goals of a class while students listen and absorb course material to regurgitate it in exams. The physical arrangement of the classroom, with desks and chairs lined up in rows and facing the teacher, reinforces this top-down approach which many researchers have highlighted as needing to provide more independent learning opportunities.

The need for an alternative education system has become apparent, and a holistic approach to education has been proposed as an answer.

What does holistic education mean for my child?

Holistic education focuses on the whole child rather than strictly on academics or performance metrics. This approach to teaching is evident in schools such as The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), which involves hands-on learning and personalized instruction that considers each student's learning style.


In contrast to traditional classrooms that emphasize results, holistic education stresses close collaboration between teacher and student. Classroom activities are varied and are designed to be used in a real-world setting.

Holistic educators understand that each student learns at their own pace and in their own way. This learning method allows students to develop essential skills such as deep thinking and problem-solving skills that will help them succeed in the future.

Familiarize yourself with international education terms by checking out ISKL's glossary here.

What are the advantages of a holistic education?

Students develop a lifelong love of learning.
Holistic education occurs when students learn that they are part of a system and can considerably influence that system. This method benefits students to develop academically, physically, socially, mentally, and emotionally.


A holistic educational approach encourages students to explore their passions and interests, achieve their goals, and better understand themselves.

A holistic approach to education establishes a supportive and positive environment where educators teach students how to learn instead of the traditional technique of rote memorization that emphasizes what to learn. Students can expand their curiosity and discover answers to self-directed questions. What starts as an educational journey involving personal discovery through formal education will continue throughout the learner's life.

Do you need clarification on different international school options for your child? Read more about why ISKL might be the right choice here

Enhanced interpersonal skills and other soft skills

Through taking a holistic approach to learning, students can broaden their perspectives and hone their problem-solving skills by examining the world around them and appreciating the people and relationships in it.


Learners are motivated to take ownership of their academic and personal duties by setting achievable goals, managing their time, and creating plans to reach them.

This approach encourages personal growth and develops interpersonal capabilities like imaginative thinking, effective communication, working together, and more.

Improved academic success

A supportive atmosphere in a holistic classroom encourages social and emotional development and builds self-awareness and a sense of social responsibility. Teachers are able to tailor lesson plans according to the strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, and background of each student.

When students feel connected and secure with their peers and teachers, their brain power and motivation increases, resulting in improved academic performance.

For more information about the advantages of international education for a child's development, click here.

January 2023.
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